Fiqh Muyassar 005 : Pengantar 004 : Buah Ilmu Fiqh

ثمرة علم الفقه:

Buah Ilmu Fiqh

Alih Bahasa : Reza Ervani


معرفة الفقه، والعمل به، تثمر صلاح المكلف، وصحة عبادته، واستقامة سلوكه.

Mengenal Fiqh dan beramal dengannya, membuahkan ketaatan sang mukallaf, benarnya ibadah-ibadanya serta istiqomah perilakunya

وإذا صلح العبد صلح المجتمع، وصارت النتيجة في الدنيا السعادة والعيش الرغد، وفي الأخرى رضوان الله وجنته.

Taatnya seorang ‘abid akan menyebabkan taatnya masyarakat, menjadikan hasil di dunia berupa kebahagiaan dan kenyamanan hidup, dan di akhirat mendapatkan keridhoan dan kecintaan Allah Ta’ala

Allahu Ta’ala ‘A’lam

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صَلاَح: (اسم)

مصدر صَلَحَ ، صَلُحَ

عُرِفَ بِالصَّلاَحِ : بِالاسْتِقَامَةِ وَالسَّلاَمَةِ مِنَ العَيْبِ سَلاَمَةُ الأُمَّةِ بِصَلاَحِ إِمَامِهَا دَعَا لَهُ بِالصَّلاَحِ وَالْخَيْرِ

صَلاَحٌ : اِسْمُ عَلَمٍ لِلْمُذَكَّرِ

الصَّلاَحُ : الاستقامة

الصَّلاَحُ السَّلامة من العَيْب

dutifulness ; honesty ; integrity ; piety ; probity ; righteousness ; uprightness

– correctness
– truth; rightness or being in accord with good taste and convention
– pleasantness; agreeability; agreeableness
– moral correctness or straightforwardness
– the state or quality of being righteous
– the state of being upright
– the state of being virtuous

 ( اسم ): حَيَاة

existence ; life ; living ; subsistence

 ( اسم ): بُحْبُوحَة

affluence ; comfort ; ease ; opulence

– abundance
– large quantity; plenty
– abundance of money, goods or property; wealth
– having no worries or problems
– state of having all things that make your life pleasant or state of being free from suffering,anxiety,etc
– splendour and prosperity
– state of life in which, to an excessive degree, one has and ueses things that please the senses(good food and drinks, comfort, etc); luxuriousness
– the state of being ostentatiously rich
– the state of being successful or good fortune
– welfare; prosperity; good fortune
– well-being, happiness; health and prosperity; the maintenance of persons in such a condition; financial support given for this purpose

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