5. The Method of the Prophets in Instilling This Creed
Translation by: Reza Ervani bin Asmanu
This article The Method of the Prophets in Instilling This Creed is part of Aqeedah Category
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وكانت الرسل تعرض على الناس هذه العقيدة، عرضًا كله السهولة والبساطة والمنطق؛ فتلْفت أنظارهم إلى ملكوت السماوات والأرض؛ وتوقظ عقولهم إلى التفكير فى آيات الله؛ وتُنبِّه فطرهم إلى ما غُرِس فيها من شعور بالتدين، وإحساس بعالم وراء هذا العالم المادى.
The prophets presented this creed to the people in a manner that was all ease, simplicity, and logic. They directed their attention to the dominion of the heavens and the earth, awakened their minds to reflect on the signs of Allah, and aroused their innate nature with a sense of religiosity and a belief in a world beyond this material world.
وعلى هذه السنن مضى رسول الله صلوات الله وسلامه عليه يغرس هذه العقيدة فى نفوس أمته لافِتًا الأنظار؛ وموجِّهًا الأفكار؛ وموقظًا العقول؛ ومُنبِّهًا الفِطَر؛ ومُتعهِّدًا هذا الغراس بالتربية والتّنمية حتى بلغ الغاية من النجاح، واستطاع أن ينقل الأمة من الوثنية والشرك إلى عقيدة التوحيد؛ ويملأ قلوبها بالإيمان واليقين؛ كما استطاع أن يجعل من أصحابه قادة فى الإصلاح وأئمة فى الخير، وأن يخلق جيلاً يعتزّ بالإيمان؛ ويعتصم بالحق؛ فكان هذا الجيل كالشمس للدنيا والعافية للناس!
Following these principles, the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, instilled this creed in the hearts of his people by drawing their attention, guiding their thoughts, awakening their intellect, and nurturing their innate nature. He continued to care for and develop this planting until it achieved great success, enabling the community to move from paganism and polytheism to the creed of monotheism and fill their hearts with faith and certainty. He also managed to make his companions leaders in reform and exemplars of goodness, creating a generation that took pride in faith and clung firmly to the truth. This generation became like the sun for the world and a remedy for humanity!
وقد شهد الله لهذا الجيل بالتفوق والامتياز، فقال:
Allah, the Exalted, bore witness to the superiority and excellence of this generation by saying:
{كُنْتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ}
“You are the best nation produced for mankind, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong and believing in Allah.” (Surah Ali Imran, verse 110)
ولقد بلغ الإيمان ببعض هؤلاء الصحابة إلى درجة قال فيها: ” لو كُشِف عنِّى الحجاب لَمَا ازْددت يقينًا.
The faith of some of these companions reached such a level that they said, “If the veil were lifted, my certainty would not increase.”
وفى حديث الحارث بن مالك الأنصارى رضى الله عنه ما يعطينا الصورة المشرقة لهذا الإيمان.
In the hadith narrated by Al-Harith bin Malik Al-Ansari, may Allah be pleased with him, we find a bright example of this faith.
فقد مر حارثة برسول الله صلوات الله وسلامه عليه فقال له الرسول: «كيف أصبحت يا حارثة؟»؛ قال: أصبحت مُؤمنًا حقًا؛ قال: «انظر ماذا تقول، فإن لكل شىء حقيقة، فما حقيقة إيمانك؟»؛
One day, Harithah, may Allah be pleased with him, passed by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and the Prophet asked him, “How are you this morning, O Harithah?” Harithah replied, “I have woken up with true faith.” The Prophet said, “Consider what you are saying, for everything has its reality. What is the reality of your faith?”
قال: عزَفتْ نفسى عن الدنيا، فأسْهَرْت ليلى، وأظمأت نهارى، وكأنى أنظر إلى عرش ربى بارزًا، وكأنى أنظر إلى أهل الجنة يتزاورون فيها، وكأنى أنظر إلى أهل النار يتضاغَوْن (١) فيها؛ فقال: «عرفت يا حارثة فالزم»
Harithah replied, “My soul has turned away from the world, I have spent my nights sleepless, and my days thirsty. It is as if I see the Throne of my Lord manifestly, as if I see the people of Paradise visiting each other, and as if I see the people of Hell crying out in it.” The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, then said, “You have realized, O Harithah, so remain steadfast on your path.” (Narrated by Imam Al-Tabarani with a weak chain of narration)
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