
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Kata yang Dicari

أ ل م

Terjemah Bahasa Indonesia

ألَمَّ [Umum]

menyakitkan, nyeri, menderita sakit

An Advanced Learner's Arabic English Dictionary - Habib Anthony Salmone

أ ل م

أَلِمَ (n. ac. أَلَم)
a. Was in pain, suffered.


a. Pained.


a. Was pained.
b. Was irritated.

أَلَم (pl. آلَاْم)
a. Pain, ache, suffering.
b. Anger, passion; irritation.


a. Painful.
b. Pained.
c. Rancorous.


a. Passion; pains, sufferings.
b. [foll. By
المَسِيْح The Messiah ], The Passion of Jesus Christ.

أَلَمْ أَلَمَّا
a. [ interrog. & neg. particle], Does it not? Is there not? Is it not? May there not?

أَلْمَاس G.
a. Diamond.
b. Adamant

Mu'jam Wasith

(ألم) ألما وجع فَهُوَ ألم وَيُقَال ألم بَطْنه وجع بَطنا (على التَّمْيِيز)