Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Al Mushthalahaat Al Haditsiyah baina Al Ittifaq wal iftiraaq- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 9
Jumlah yang dimuat : 604

definitions of Ibn AlSalah's fall under it. There are minor exceptions which may fall under the lingual definition, or follow an author's special term.

The research shows that most definitions agreed on the prominent defintion's limitations of each term either by referring to it in the definition, or including it in the conditions and sections, or its evedince of examples and inferences. The research answers a number of problems and questions in the apparent contradiction between some of the terminologies issues.

The research includes examples of each definition's limitations, and supports some of the terminologies such as Hasan (good), Shaz (isolated), Munkar (denounced), Mudraj (interpolated), Mutarib (perplexed) and others ...

Also, the conclusion of the research included several detailed results for each particular term, highlighting the most important meanings of each term, and the differences between the terms and the overlapping between them.

The researcher recommends to take care of Hadith sciences, and to seek to simplify it and bring it closer especially to students and generally to the public. Also, to summarize the discussions and questions of Hadith scholars and their perceptions during devloping terminology rules, and to draw attention to what these discussions carry for stirring hidden thoughts, and enriching thinking skills.

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds

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