
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Sealed Nectar- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 106
Jumlah yang dimuat : 228

indignation. They started a series of provocative and harmful deeds publicly. The most wicked  amongst  them were the tribe of Banu Qainuqa‘, who lived in quarters within Madinah named after them. As for  jobs, they took up goldsmithery, blacksmithing and crafts of making household instruments, that is  why  war weaponry was available in large quantities in their houses. They counted 700 warriors, and were  the most daring amongst the Jewish community in Arabia, and now the first to breach the covenant of  cooperation and non-aggression which they had already countersigned with the Prophet (Peace be  upon  him). Their behaviour grew too impolite and unbearable. They started a process of trouble-making,  jeering at the Muslims, hurting those who frequented their bazaars, and even intimidating their  women.
Such things began to aggravate the general situation, so the Prophet(Peace be upon him) gathered  them in assemblage, admonished and called them to be rational, sensible and guided and cautioned  against further transgression. Nevertheless they remained obdurate and paid no heed to his warning,  and said: “Don’t be deluded on account of defeating some Quraishites inexperienced in the art of war.
If  you were to engage us in fight, you will realize that we are genuine war experts.”
In this regard, the Words of Allâh were revealed saying:
“Say O Muhammad (Peace be upon him) to those who disbelieve: ‘You will be defeated and  gathered together to Hell, and worst indeed is that place to rest.’ There has already been a Sign  for you (O Jews) in the two armies that met (in combat — i.e. the battle of Badr): One was  fighting in the cause of Allâh, and as for the other (they) were disbelievers. They (the believers)  saw them (the disbelievers) with their own eyes twice their number (although they were thrice  their number). And Allâh supports with His Victory whom He pleases. Verily, in this is a lesson for  those who understand.” 3:12,13
The answer of Banu Qainuqa‘ amounted, as seen, to war declaration. The Prophet (Peace be upon  him)  suppressed his anger and advised the Muslims to be patient and forbearing and wait for what time  might reveal.
The Jews, went too far in their transgression, presumptuous behaviour and licentious practices. One  day a Jewish goldsmith provoked a Muslim woman whose genitals become uncovered when he had  tied  the edge of the garment to her back. A Muslim man happened to be there and killed the man; the
Jews  retaliated by killing that Muslim. The man’s family called the Muslims for help and war started.
On Saturday, Shawwal 15th, 2 A.H., the Prophet (Peace be upon him) marched out with his soldiers,
Hamzah bin ‘Abdul Muttalib, carrying the standard of the Muslims and laid siege to the Jews’ forts for
15 days. Allâh cast fear into their hearts, and they were obliged to defer to the Messenger (Peace be  upon him) judgement on their lives, wealth, women and children; their hands were tied behind their  backs.
At this point, ‘Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul started his hypocritical role and began to intercede for them  persistently on grounds of former alliance between those Jews and His tribe Khazraj. Muhammad
(Peace be upon him) dealt with this man as being a Muslim -- He had faked conversion into Islam for  only one month, by that time -- and so he granted him his request; for Islam accepts people at their  face value. Banu Qainuqa‘ handed over all materials, wealth and war equipage to the Prophet (Peace  be  upon him), who set aside one fifth and distributed the rest to his men. After that they were banished  out of all Arabia to Azru‘a in Syria where they stayed for a while and soon perished away.
Two-pronged hostile activities were being independently conducted against the Prophet (Peace be  upon  him) ; plots and intrigues being hatched by Safwan bin Omaiyah, the hypocrites and Jews on the one  hand, going on and on parallel lines with military hostilities being prepared by Abu Sufyan aiming at  saving the face of his people and impressing on the other Arabs that Quraish was still a military power  to be counted for. In the aftermath of Badr, Abu Sufyan was burning for revenge and took a solemn  vow he would never bathe off impurity unless he had avenged himself on Muhammad (Peace be upon  him) and his followers. He set out at the head of 200 men towards Madinah but was not brave enough  to attack it in broad daylight. He, instead resorted to acts of piracy that are performed in the dark. He

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