
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Sealed Nectar- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 108
Jumlah yang dimuat : 228

hardship.” When he heard this, Ka‘b said: “By Allâh you will be put to more trouble by him.”
Muhammad bin Maslamah answered: “No doubt, now we have become his followers and we do not like  to forsake him until we see what turn his affairs will take. I want that you should give me a loan.” He  said: “What will you mortgage?” Muhammad answered: “What do you want?” The immoral and  heartless Jew demanded women and children as articles of security against the debt. Muhammad said:
“Should we pledge our women whereas you are the most handsome of the Arabs; and the son of one  of  us may be abused by saying that he was pledged for two wasq (measurement unit of weight) of dates  but we can pledge you (our) weapons.” Ka‘b agreed. Salkan bin Salamah, Abu Na’ilah, at another  time,  went to see Ka‘b for the same purpose and there were more or less the same subjects, only that Abu
Na’ilah would bring him some companions. The plan was successful and provided for the presence of  both men and weapons. On Rabi‘ Al-Awwal 14th, at night, the year 3 A.H. the people said good bye to  the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and set out in the Name of Allâh to implement the carefully drawn  plan. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) stayed back praying for them and supplicating Allâh to render  them success. The men went and called upon him at night. He came down although his wife warned  him not to meet them alleging that: “I hear a voice which sounds like the voice of murder.” He said:
“It  is only Muhammad bin Maslamah and my foster brother Abu Na’ilah. When a gentleman is called at  night even if he be pierced with a spear, he should respond to the call.” Abu Na’ilah said to his  companions: “As he comes down, I will extend my hand towards his head to smell and when I hold  him  fast, you should do your job.” So when he came down, they talked together for about an hour. They  then invited him to go out and spend a nice time in the moonlight. On the way out, Abu Na’ilah  remarked: “I smell the nicest perfume from you.” Ka‘b said: “Yes, I have with me a mistress who is  the  most scented of the women of Arabia.” Abu Na’ilah again said: “Allow me to smell (the scent on your  head)”. He said: “Yes, you may smell.” So he caught it and smelt. Then he said: “Allow me to do so
(once again).” He then held his head fast and said to his companions: “Do your job.” And they killed  him. The group of men came back after fulfilling their mission. One of them Al-Harith bin Aws was  wounded by mistake with the swords of his men, and was bleeding badly. When they reached Baqee‘
Al-Gharqad, they shouted, “Allâh is Great”. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) heard them and realized  that they had killed the enemy of Allâh. As they saw him, he said: “Cheerful faces are yours.” In reply,  they said: “And yours O Messenger of Allâh.” They handed the head of the tyrant over to him. He  entertained Allâh’s praise for their success. He then applied his saliva to Al-Harith’s wound and it  healed  on the spot.
When the Jews learned about the death of their tyrant, Ka‘b bin Al-Ashraf, they were scared and even  their stonelike hearts were in the grip of inexpressible panic. They realized that the Messenger of Allâh
(Peace be upon him) would thenceforth never hesitate to use force when good words and admonition  failed. They remained silent and resigned, and faked adherence to covenants.
Now the Prophet (Peace be upon him) was free to collect his thoughts and give himself up to resolving  foreign affairs, and facing dangers that could be carried with hostile wind blowing again from Makkah.
In Rabi‘ Ath-Thani, the year 3 A.H. the Prophet (Peace be upon him) led a campaign comprising 300  warriors to Buhran in the area of Al-Furu‘. He stayed there till Jumada Al-Ula, 3 A.H. No fighting took  place in the process of this patrolling invasion.
This was the most successful campaign prior to Uhud Battle. It took place in Jumada Ath-Thaniyah,  the  year 3 A.H.
Summer approached and it was high time for the Makkan trade caravans to leave for Syria. The  people  of Quraish whose lives depended mainly on a mercantile economy consisting of summer caravans to
Syria and winter caravans to Abyssinia (Ethiopia), were now at a loss as to what route they would  have  to follow in order to avoid the backbreaking military strikes that the Muslims successfully inflicted on  the polytheists.
They held a meeting to discuss the chances of escaping the economic blockade and decided to go

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