
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Sealed Nectar- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 156
Jumlah yang dimuat : 228

Muslims in Madinah would be safe from them. So the Prophet (Peace be upon him) sent for the group  and they responded, as expected, positively.
These are the realities of the clauses of the truce treaty and as it seems they all function in favour of  the nascent Islamic state. However, two points in the treaty made it distasteful to some Muslims,  namely they were not given access to the Holy Sanctuary that year, and the seemingly humiliating  attitude as regards reconciliation with the pagans of Quraish. ‘Umar, unable to contain himself for the  distress taking full grasp of his heart, went to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and said: “Aren’t you  the true Messenger of Allâh?” The Prophet (Peace be upon him) replied calmly, “Why not?” ‘Umar  again  spoke and asked: “Aren’t we on the path of righteousness and our enemies in the wrong?” Without  showing any resentment, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) replied that it was so. On getting this reply  he further urged: “Then we should not suffer any humiliation in the matter of Faith.” The Prophet
(Peace be upon him) was unruffled and with perfect confidence said: “I am the true Messenger of
I never disobey Him, He shall help me.” “Did you not tell us,” rejoined ‘Umar, “that we shall perform  pilgrimage?” “But I have never told you,” replied the Prophet (Peace be upon him), “that we shall do  so  this very year.” ‘Umar was silenced. But his mind was disturbed. He went to Abu Bakr and expressed  his feelings before him. Abu Bakr who had never been in doubt as regards the Prophet’s truthfulness  and veracity confirmed what the Prophet (Peace be upon him) had told him. In due course the
Chapter  of Victory (48th) was revealed saying:
“Verily, We have given you O Muhammad (Peace be upon him) a manifest victory.” 48:1
The Messenger of Allâh(Peace be upon him) summoned ‘Umar and imported to him the happy tidings.
‘Umar was overjoyed, and greatly regretted his former attitude. He used to spend in charity, observe  fasting and prayer and free as many slaves as possible in expiation for that reckless attitude he had  assumed.
The early part of the year 7 A.H. witnessed the Islamization of three prominent men of Makkah, ‘Amr  bin Al-‘As, Khalid bin Al-Waleed and ‘Uthman bin Talhah. On their arrival and entrance into the fold of
Islam, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, “Quraish has given us its own blood.”

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