
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Sealed Nectar- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 162
Jumlah yang dimuat : 228

From Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah to Jaifer and ‘Abd Al-Jalandi.
Peace be upon him who follows true guidance; thereafter I invite both of you to the Call of Islam.
Embrace Islam. Allâh has sent me as a Prophet to all His creatures in order that I may instil fear of
Allâh in the hearts of His disobedient creatures so that there may be left no excuse for those who deny
Allâh. If you two accept Islam, you will remain in command of your country; but if you refuse my Call,  you’ve got to remember that all your possessions are perishable. My horsemen will appropriate your  land, and my Prophethood will assume preponderance over your kingship.”
‘Amr bin Al-’As, who was chosen to carry the letter, narrated the following story that happened before  he was admitted into the audience of Jaifer.
“When I arrived in ‘Oman I contacted ‘Abd, who was known to be more mild-tempered than his  brother:
‘Amr: I am the messenger of Allâh’s Prophet coming to see both, you and your brother.
‘Abd: You have to see my brother and read to him the letter you are carrying. He is my senior in  both age and kingship. Incidentally, what is the purport of your mission?
‘Amr: The Prophet calls upon you to believe in Allâh Alone with no associate, discard any other  deities and testify to the slavehood and Messengership of Muhammad.
‘Abd: O ‘Amr! You come from a noble family, but first of all, tell me what was your father’s  attitude concerning this Faith? You know, we used to follow his steps.
‘Amr: Death overtook him before believing in Muhammad’s mission; I wish now he had  embraced Islam and been truthful to it before his death. I myself had adopted the same attitude  until Allâh guided me towards Islam.
‘Abd: When did you embrace Islam?
‘Amr: When I was at Negus’s court. By the way, the latter did also enter into the fold of Islam.
‘Abd: What was his people’s reaction?
‘Amr: They approved of him and followed his steps.
‘Abd: The bishops and monks?
‘Amr: They did the same.
‘Abd: Beware ‘Amr of lying for this soon betrays man.
‘Amr: I never tell lies; moreover, our religion never allows it.
‘Abd: Has Hercules been informed of the Islamization of Negus?
‘Amr: Yes, of course.
‘Abd: How did you happen to know that?
‘Amr: Negus used to pay land tax to Hercules, but when the former embraced Islam, he swore  he would discontinue that tax. When this news reached Hercules, his courtiers urged him to take  action against Negus but he refused and added that he himself would do the same if he were not  sparing of his kingship.
‘Abd: What does your Pexhort you to do?
‘Amr: He exhorts us to obey Allâh, the All-Mighty, the All-Glorious, be pious and maintain good  ties with family kin; he forbids disobedience, aggression, adultery, wine, idolatry and devotion to  the cross.
‘Abd: Fair words and fair beliefs are those you are calling for. I wish my brother would follow me  to believe in Muhammad     ﻠﻋ ﷲ ﻰﻠﺻand profess his religion, but my brother is too sparing of  his kingship to become a subordinate.
‘Amr: Should your brother surrender himself to Islam, the Prophet would give him authority over  his people and take alms tax from the wealthy people to be given to the needy.
‘Abd: That is fair behaviour. But what is this alms tax you have mentioned?
‘Amr: It is a Divine injunction that alms tax be taken from the well-to-do people who have  surplus wealth and be distributed to the poor.
‘Abd: I doubt if this can work among our people.
‘Amr stayed for some days to be admitted into Jaifer’s court until he was finally granted this permit.
“He asked me to hand him the letter to read it. After that he asked me how Quraish reacted and I  answered that they had followed him, some out of their own freewill and others overpowered by  military fighting. Now, people have chosen Islam in preference to other creeds, and have realized  through their mental insight that they had been straying in darkness. None, except you, is now out of  the domain of Islam, so I advise you to embrace Islam so that you can provide security to yourself  and  your country.”
Here, he asked me to call on him the following day. The following day he showed some reluctance in  receiving me but his brother, ‘Abd, interceded and I was given the chance to see him again but this

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