murder, it resulted in a far-ranging impact and attached to the Muslims a great reputation in the battlefields.
The Byzantine Empire, at that time, was a power to be reckoned with, and mere thinking of antagonizing it used to mean self-annihilation, let alone a three-thousand-soldier army going into fight against 200,000 soldiers far better equipped and lavishly furnished with all luxurious conveniences.
The battle was a real miracle proving that the Muslims were something exceptional not then familiar.
Moreover, it gave evidence that Allâh backed them and their Prophet, Muhammad, was really Allâhs '
Messenger. In the light of these new strategic changes, the archenemies among the desert bedouins began to reconcile themselves with the new uprising faith and several recalcitrant tribes like Banu
Saleem, Ashja', Ghatfan, Dhubyan, Fazarah and others came to profess Islam out of their own sweet free will.
Mut ' ah Battle, after all, constituted th e forerunner of the blood encounter to take place with the
Byzantines subsequently. It pointed markedly to a new epoch of the Islamic conquest of the Byzantine empire and other remote countries, to follow at a later stage.
Dhat As-Salasil Campaign:
Dhat As-Salasil is a spot situated ten days' walk north of Madinah. The Muslims are said to have encamped in a place with a well of water called Salsal, hence the terminology Dhat As-Salasil. In view of the alliance between the Arabian tribes on the borders of Syria and the Byzantines, the Prophet peace be upon him deemed it of top urgency to carry out a wisely-planned manoeuvre that might bring about a state of rapport with those bedouins, and would at the same time detach them from the
Byzantines. For the implementation of this plan, he chose A ' mr bin Al -A ' s, whose paternal grandmother came from Bali, a tribe dwelling in that area. This motive in mind, combined with provocative military movements, by Bani Quda'a, precipitated this preemptive strike which started in Jumada Ath -Thaniya,
8 A.H.
A ' mr bin Al -A ' s was awarded a white flag with a black banner to go with it. He set out at the head of
300 Emigrants and Helpers assisted by a cavalry of 30 men, and was recommended to seek help from
Bali, U ' dhra and Balqain tribes. He used to march at night and lurk during the day. On approaching the enemy lines and realizing the large build up of men, he sent for reinforcements from Madinah, and these arrived on the spot headed by Abu U ' baidah bin Al -Jarrah leading further 200 men as well as other platoons including Abu Bakr and U ' mar bin Al -Khattab. All of them were given strict orders to cooperate, work in harmony and never leave any area for disagreement. At noon, Abu U ' baidah wanted to lead the Muslims in prayer, but A ' mr objected on grounds that the former came only to assist, and leadership in prayer was given to A ' mr.
The Muslim army reached the habitations of Quda'a and penetrated deep in their land, destroye d the enemies and obliged the others to flee for their lives in different directions. At the conclusion of the military operations, a courier was despatched to the Messenger of Allâh peace be upon him to brief him on the developments of events and the ultimate victory achieved.
Khadrah Campaign:
In Sha'ban month 8 A.H., news reached the Prophet peace be upon him of amassing troops by Bani
Ghatfan, still outside the domain of Islam. He urgently summoned Abu Qatadah and sent him at the head of fifteen men to discipline those outlaws. It took fifteen days to teach them an unforgettable lesson. Some were killed, others captured and all their property confiscated.
The Conquest of Makkah
Ibn Al-Qaiyim described the conquest of Makkah as the greatest one by which Allâh honoured His religion, Messenger, soldiers and honest party. He thereby rescued the Sacred House, whose guidance all people seek. It was the greatest propitious event in heaven and on earth. It was the most significant prelude to a new era that was to witness the great march of Islamization and the entry of people into the fold of Islam in huge hosts. It provided an ever shining face and a most glowing source of inspiration to the whole earth.
Pre-Conquest Events:
According to the terms of the treaty of Hudaibiyah, the Arab tribes were given the option to join either of the parties, the Muslims or Quraish, with which they desired to enter into treaty alliance. Should any