enters the Sacred Mosque is safe."
On the morning of Tuesday, 17th. Ramadan, 8 A.H., the Prophet peace be upon him left Mar Az-
Zahran. He ordered Al-A ' bbas to detain Abu Sufyan at a commanding gorge that could afford a full view of the Muslim army parading on its way towards Makkah, and hence give him the chance to see the great and powerful soldiers of Allâh. The different tribes successively passed with their banners flown up, until at last the battalion of the Emigrants and Helpers with the Prophet peace be upon him at their head heavily armed marched by. Abu Sufyan began to wonder who those people were, to which Al-
A ' bbas told him that they were Muhammad peace be upon him and his Companions. Abu Sufyan said that no army however powerful could resist those people and addressing Al-A ' bbas, he said: "I swear by Allâh that the sovereignty of your brother's so n has become too powerful to withstand." Al-A ' bbas answered, "It is rather the power of Prophethood," to which the former agreed.
Sa'd bin U ' badah carried the flag of the Helpers. When he passed by Abu Sufyan, he said "Today will witness the great fight, you cannot seek sanctuary at Al-Ka'bah. Today will witness the humiliation of
Quraish." Abu Sufyan complained about this to the Prophet peace be upon him who got angry and said
"Nay, today Al-Ka'bah will be sanctified, and Quraish honoured," and quickly ord ered that Sa'd should be stripped off the flag, and that it should be entrusted to his son Qais, in another version, to Az-
Al-A ' bbas urged Abu Sufyan to hasten into Makkah and warn the Quraishites against any aggressive behaviour towards the Muslims. There in Makkah, he shouted at the top of his voice and warned against any hostilities advising them to seek safety in his house. His wife got indignant and tugged at his moustache cursing him and abusing his cowardly stance. The people within Makkah mocked Abu
Sufyan and dispersed in different directions, some into their houses, others into the Holy Sanctuary while some undisciplined reckless ruffians led by 'Ikrimah bin Abi Jahl, Safwan bin Omaiyah and Suhail bin A ' mr encamped themselves in a place called Khandamah, with a murderous intent in their minds.
The Prophet peace be upon him, on his part, was quite modestly and calmly drawing the final touches for the military breakthrough awaiting the Muslims, by Allâhs ' Will. He appointed Khalid bin Al -Waleed as a leader of the right flank of the army with Aslam, Sulaim, Ghifar, Muzainah and Juhainah tribes under his command to enter Makkah through its lower avenues. Az-Zubair bin A ' wwam was to lead the left flank and would storm Makkah from the upper side holding up the Messenger's banner. Abu
U ' baidah took command of the infantry and was to penetrate into the city via a side valley. They were given full and decisive orders not to kill unless in self defence and in that case they would exterminate any aggressive elements and quell any opposition.
The Muslim battalions marched out each in its already drawn route to fulfill the missions they were supposed to carry out. Khalid bin Al-Waleed worked his way into the heart of the town quite successively killing twelve of the ruffians and sustaining two martyrs. Az-Zubair set out and reached the fixed destination where he planted the banner at Al-Fath (conquest) Mosque and waited there for the arrival of the Prophet peace be upon him. A tent was pitched for him where he offered prayers of thanks to the All-Mighty Allâh, Who, out of His immense grace, had granted him a splendid victory.
But he did not repose long. He, in the company of the Helpers and Emigrants, got up and proceeded towards Al-Ka'bah, the Sacred House, which is an emblem of the Oneness and Supremacy of Allâh. It was unfortunately infested with idols that numbered 360. He knocked them down with his bow while reciting the verse of the Noble Qur'ân:
"And Say: T ' ruth (i.e. Islamic Mo notheism or this Qur'ân or Jihâd against polytheists) has come and
Batil (falsehood, i.e. Satan or polytheism, etc.) has vanished. Surely! Batil is ever bound to vanish.'" 17:81 And Allâh further said:
"Say (O Muhammad peace be upon him): "The Truth (the Qur'ân and Allahs ' Inspiration) has come, and
Al-Batil (falsehood - Iblis) can neither create anything nor resurrect (any thing)." 34:49 He then started the usual circumambulation on his ride. He was not in a state of Ihram (ritual consecration) then. On completion, he called for U ' thman bin Talhah, the janitor of Al -Ka'bah, from whom he took the