
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Sealed Nectar- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 188
Jumlah yang dimuat : 228

to  us your decisions.” All of them gave back the women and children. The only one who refused to  comply  with the Messenger’s desire was ‘Uyaina bin Hisn. He refused to let an old woman of theirs go back at  first. Later on he let her go back. The Messenger of Allâh (peace be upon him) gave every captive a  garment as a gift.
Having accomplished the distribution of the spoils at Al-Ji‘ranah he left it while wearing Al-‘Umrah  clothes and proceeded to Makkah to perform Al-‘Umrah. The Messenger of Allâh     ﻠﻋ ﷲ ﻰﻠﺻturned  back from there to Madinah after appointing ‘Itab bin Usaid on Makkah as governor. His arrival to
Madinah was by the last six nights of Dhul-Qa‘dah, in the year 8 A.H. On this occasion Muhammad Al-
Ghazali said:
“What a great change it is between the victorious period of Muhammad at present which Allâh has  towered with a manifest conquest, and that period of the past during which Muhammad first arrived at  this town, eight years ago.”
When he first came to Madinah, he was pursued and wanted. He was seeking a secure shelter. He was  a lonely stranger who sought companionship and comfort. The people of Madinah welcomed him, gave  him residence and aided him and embraced the light of Islam, which had been sent down upon him.
They, for his sake, did not care about the enmity of other peoples. Here he is entering Madinah again,  after the lapse of eight years of that first visit. Madinah, the town that had received him once, when  he  was a frightened Emigrant; it receives him once again when Makkah has become in his hands and at  his  disposal. It is Makkah that has got rid of its pride and Jahiliyah (i.e. pre-Islamic period and traditions).
It is now proud again and mighty in Islam. The Messenger of Allâh forgave all the errors and wrongs  of  its people.
“Verily, he who fears Allâh with obedience to Him (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds, and by  performing righteous good deeds), and is patient, then surely, Allâh makes not the reward of the  good-doers to be lost.” 12:90
Upon returning from this long successful travel, the Messenger of Allâh (peace be upon him) stayed in
Madinah where he received delegates and dispatched agents and appointed preachers and callers to
Islam everywhere. Those whose hearts were still full of prejudice against Islam and therefore were too  proud to embrace Allâh’s religion, were decisively muffled on their non-acquiescence in the status quo  prevalent then in Arabia.
Here is a mini-image about the believed ones. We have already stated that the Messenger’s arrival in
Madinah was by the last days of the eighth year of Al-Hijra. No sooner the crescent of Muharram of  the  ninth year turned up than the Messenger of Allâh (peace be upon him) dispatched the believed ones,  to  the tribes as shown in the list below:
1. ‘Uyaina bin Hisn to Bani Tamim.
2. Yazeed bin Husain to Aslam and Ghifar.
3. ‘Abbad bin Bishr Al-Ashhali to Sulaim and Muzainah.
4. Rafi‘ bin Mukaith to Juhainah.
5. ‘Amr bin Al-‘As to Bani Fazarah.
6. Ad-Dahhak bin Sufyan to Bani Kilab.
7. Basheer bin Sufyan to Bani Ka‘b.
8. Ibn Al-Lutabiyah Al-Azdi to Bani Dhubyan.
9. Al-Muhajir bin Abi Omaiyah to Sana‘a’ (Al-Aswad Al-‘Ansi called at him when he was in it).
10. Ziyad bin Labid to Hadramout.
11. ‘Adi bin Hatim to Tai’ and Bani Asad.
12. Malik bin Nuwairah to Bani Hanzalah.
13. Az-Zabraqan bin Badr to Bani Sa‘d (a portion of them).
14. Qais bin ‘Asim to Bani Sa‘d (a portion of them).
15. Al-‘Alâ’ bin Al-Hadrami to Al-Bahrain.
16. ‘Ali bin Abi Talib to Najran (to collect Sadaqa & Jizya).
Some of these agents were despatched in Muharram, 7 A.H., others were sent later until the tribes

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