
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Sealed Nectar- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 201
Jumlah yang dimuat : 228

The invasion and the conquest of Makkah was — as we have already stated — a decisive battle that  destroyed paganism utterly. The Arabs as a result of that battle were able to differentiate the truth  from the error. Delusion no longer existed in their life. So they raced to embrace Islam. ‘Amr bin
Salamah said: “We were at a water (spring) where the passage of people was. So when camel riders  passed by us we used to ask them: ‘What is the matter with people? What is this man (i.e. the
Prophet)  like?’ They would say, ‘He claims that Allâh has revealed so and so.’ I used to memorize those words  as  if they had been recited within my chest. The Arabs used to ascribe their Islamization to the conquest.
They would say: ‘Leave him alone to face his people. If he were a truthful Prophet he would overcome  them.’ So when the conquest took place, peoples hastened to declare their Islam. My father was the  quickest of all my people to embrace Islam. Arriving at his people he said: ‘By Allâh I have just verily  been to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) . And he said: ‘Perform so a prayer at such a time, and so  and so prayers at such and such time. When the prayer time is due let one of you call for the prayer  and appoint the most learned of the Qur’ân among you to be an Imam (leader)  of yours.” This
Prophetic tradition manifests the great effect of the conquest of Makkah on the phase of events. It  certainly shows the influence of the conquest of Makkah upon the consolidation of Islam as well as on  the Arabs’ stand and their surrender to Islam. That influence was absolutely confirmed and deeply  rooted after the invasion of Tabuk. A clear and an obvious evidence of that influence could be deduced  from the great number of delegations arriving in Madinah successively in the ninth and tenth years of
Al-Hijra. The immense crowds of people who raced to embrace the religion of Allâh and the great army  which included ten thousand fighters in the invasion of the conquest of Makkah had grown big enough  to include thirty thousand fighters sharing in Tabuk invasion. It was only in less than a year after the  conquest of Makkah that this growth in Islamic army had taken place. A hundred thousand or a  hundred and forty four thousand Muslim pilgrims shared in Hajjatul -Wada‘ (i.e. Farewell Pilgrimage);  it  was such an enormous number of Muslims surging — as an ocean of men — round the Messenger of
Allâh (Peace be upon him) , that the horizon echoed their voices and the expanses of land shook  whereby while saying Labbaik (i.e. Lord, here we are worshipping), glorifying and magnifying Allâh,  and  thanking Him.
The number of delegations listed in Ahl Al-Maghazi were over seventy. Investigating such a large  number is not an accessible thing; besides stating them in detail is not of a great benefit. Therefore, I  am going to reveal an expose about what is historically wonderful or highly significant. Anyway a  reader  should always keep in mind that whilst the majority of tribes arrived in Madinah after the conquest,  there were also pre-conquest delegations.
1. The delegation of ‘Abdul Qais: This tribe had two arrivals. The first was in the fifth year of Al-
Hijra or before that date. Munqidh bin Haiyan, a member of that tribe, used to trade in Madinah.
So, as soon as he heard of Islam when he had arrived in it for trading — that was after the  migration — he embraced Islam and carried a pledge from the Prophet (Peace be upon him) to  his people who eventually became Muslims too. Thirteen or fourteen of them came to the
Prophet (Peace be upon him) in one of the Hurum Months. It was then that they asked the
Prophet’s advice about the Faith and drinks. Their chief was Al-Ashaj Al-Usri, to whom the
Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) said: “You have two qualities that Allâh likes: They are  deliberatenessandclemency.”
2. Their second arrival was in the Year of Delegations. They were forty men. Al-Jarud bin Al-‘Alâ’ Al-
‘Abdi, who was Christian but turned to be a good Muslim, was one of that group.
3. Daws Delegation: The arrival of this tribe was in the early times of the seventh year and that was  when the Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) was in Khaibar. At-Tufail bin ‘Amr Ad-Dawsi,  that we have already talked about and explained how he became a Muslim at the time the
Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) was in Makkah. He went back home to his people where  he kept calling people to Islam but they tarried till he despaired of them and returned to the
Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) and asked him to invoke Allâh against Daws but the
Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) invoked Allâh to guide Daws. Later on, Daws embraced
Islam. So At-Tufail arrived in Madinah accompanied by seventy or eighty families of his people in  the early times of the seventh year of Al-Hijra, at the time that the Messenger of Allâh (Peace be

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