"And warn your tribe O Muhammad (Peace be upon him) of near kindred." 26:214.
This was the first verse to be revealed in this concern. It is included in Sûrah Ash-Shuarâ ' (Chapter 26
The Poets) which relates the story of Moses (Peace be upon him) from his early days of Prophethood going through his migration with the Children of Israel, their escape from the Pharaoh and his folk, and the drowning Pharaoh and his hosts. This Chapter in fact narrates the different stages that Moses
(Peace be upon him) passed through in his struggle with Pharaoh and the mission of calling his people unto Allâh. Moreover, it includes stories that speak about the terrible end in store for those who belied the Messengers such as the people of Noah, A ' d, Thamud, Abraham, Lout and Ahlul-Aikah
(Companions of the Wood). (A group of people who used to worship a tree called Aikah)
Chronologically, this Chapter belongs to the middle Makkan period, when the contact of the light of
Prophecy with the cultural milieu of pagan Makkah was testing the Makkans in their most arrogant mood. The Message that this Chapter communicates is in brief: "The Truth is insurmountable. When the spirit of Prophecy came to Makkah, it was resisted by the votaries of evil; but Truth, unlike falsehood, is bound to stay, whereas falsehood is surely perishable."
In obedience to Allâhs ' Commands, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) rallied his kinsmen of Bani
Hashim with a group of Bani Al-Muttalib bin A ' bd Munaf. The audience counted forty -five men.
Abu Lahab immediately took the initiative and addressed the Prophet (Peace be upon him): "These are your uncles and cousins, speak on to the point, but first of all you have got to know that your kinspeople are not in a position to withstand all the Arabs. Another point you have got to bear in mind is that your relatives are sufficient unto you. If you follow their tradition, it will be easier for them than to face the other clans of Quraish supported by the other Arabs. Verily, I have never heard of anyone who has incurred more harm on his kinspeople than you." The Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) kept silent and said nothing 7in that meeting.
He invited them to another meeting and managed to secure audience. He then stood up and delivered a short speech explaining quite cogently what was at stake. He said: "I celebrate Allâhs ' praise, I seek
His help, I believe in Him, I put my trust in Him, I bear witness that there is no god to be worshipped but
Allâh with no associate. A guide can never lie to his people. I swear by Allâh, there is no god but He, that I have been sent as a Messenger to you, in particular and to all the people, in general. I swear by
Allâh you will die just as you sleep, you will be resurrected just as you wake up. You will be called to account for your deeds. It is then either Hell forever or the Garden (Paradise) forever."
Abu Talib replied: "We love to help you, accept your advice and believe in your words. These are your kinspeople whom you have collected and I am one of them but I am the fastest to do what you like.
Do what you have been ordered. I shall protect and defend you, but I cant ' quit the religion of A ' bdul -
Abu Lahab then said to Abu Talib: " I swear by Allâh that this is a bad thing. You must stop him before the others do." Abu Talib, however, answered: "I swear by Allâh to protect him as long as I am alive."
ON MOUNT AS-SAFA: After the Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) became sure of Abu Talibs ' commitment to his protection while he called the people unto Allâh, he stood up on Mount As-Safa one day and called out loudly: "O Sabahah! * " Septs of Quraish came to him. He called them to testify to the Oneness of Allâh and believe in his Messengership and the Day of Resurrection. Al-Bukhari reported part of this story on the authority of Ibn A ' bbas 9May All ah be pleased with him). He said: "When the following verses were revealed:
"And warn your tribe O Muhammad (Peace be upon him) of near kindred." 26:214
The Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) ascended Mount As-Safa and started to call: "O Bani