
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Sealed Nectar- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 62
Jumlah yang dimuat : 228

In Dhul Qa‘dah, the tenth year of Prophethood, i.e. July 619, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) ,  returned to Makkah to resume his activities. The time for pilgrimage to Makkah was approaching so he  hastened to introduce people both tribes and individuals to Islam and call upon them to embrace it,  just  as it was his practice since the fourth year of his Prophethood.
On the authority of Az-Zuhri, of the tribes that Islam was introduced to, we could speak of Banu ‘Amir  bin Sa‘sa‘ah, Muharib bin Khasfa, Fazarah, Ghassan, Murrah, Haneefah, Saleem, ‘Abs, Banu Nasr,
Al-Buka’, Kindah, Kalb, Al-Harith bin Ka‘b, Udhrah and people of Hadrmout. Islam was not introduced  to  them in one single year but rather repeatedly from the fourth year till the last pre-migration season of  pilgrimage. They however, remained obdurate and none of them responded positively.
The following is a resume of aspects relating to the Prophet’s appeals as regards the new faith he was  preaching:
1. He visited a sept of Banu Kalb known as Banu ‘Abdullah. He called them to Allâh’s Message and  entreated them to accept it for the sake of Allâh Who had chosen a beautiful name for their  father, but without avail.
2. He called on Bani Haneefah in their habitation, but received very repugnant treatment.
3. He addressed Bani ‘Amir bin Sa‘sa‘ah in their encampment, calling them to abandon idolatry and  join him. One of them called Buhairah bin Firras, answered him back: “Should we give you  allegiance and Allâh give you power over your opponents, will you give us right to inheritance  and succeed you in power?” The Prophet replied: “The whole affair lies in Allâh’s Hands. He gives  the power to whomever He desires.” The man commented: “Do you expect us to incur the wrath  and vengeance of the Arabs without the least hope of leadership? We can in fact readily dispense  with your offers.”
When Banu ‘Amir returned to their habitations, they narrated the story to an elderly man who had  lingered behind because he was too old. They told him, “A young man of Quraish of Bani ‘Abdul
Muttalib, claiming that he is a Prophet, contacted us, asked for support and invited us to embrace his  religion.” The old sheikh was struck by the news, and wondered if there was no way of making  amends  for the loss of that opportunity and swore, “He is really Ishmaelite (he descends from Ishmael). He is  the Truth (he is a real Prophet). How did it happen that you misjudged his words?”
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) was not dismayed at all. He persisted in his mission for the  fulfillment  of which he had been commissioned to strive despite all odds. He did not confine his efforts to the  tribes but also conducted contacts with individuals from some of whom he was able to receive a  favourable response. Moreover, later in the same season, some of them did believe in his Prophethood  and entered the fold of Islam. The following list included some of those early converts:
1. Swaid bin Samit . He was an intelligent discreet poet from Yathrib (Madinah). During his stay in
Makkah for pilgrimage (or lesser pilgrimage), he encountered the Prophet (Peace be upon him)  who invited him to embrace Islam. At this invitation, Swaid imparted to the Prophet some sound  words from Luqman’s wisdom. The Prophet approved of that wisdom but told the man that he  had something far better. He recited some verses from the Qur’ân, the man listened meditatively  and the words appealed to his originally pure nature and accepted Islam as his faith at once. He  was killed in the battle of Bu‘ath. That was in the eleventh year of the Prophethood.
2. Eyas bin Mu‘adh. He was still a youth from Aws tribe. He came as a member of delegation  seeking alliance with Quraish against another rival tribe dwelling in Madinah, Al-Khazraj. The
Prophet (Peace be upon him) met them and advised them to follow a better course than that  they had in mind. He introduced himself and Islam to them, apprised them of his mission and  narrated some verses from the Noble Qur’ân. Eyas’s heart immediately absorbed the Divine
Message and agreed with the Prophet (Peace be upon him) . Abul Haisar Anas bin Rafi‘, a  member of the delegation disapproved of the boy’s behaviour and silenced him by hurling some  dust into his face. The people then left Madinah after having failed in establishing alliance with
Quraish. Shortly after arrival in Madinah, the boy breathed his last acclaiming Allâh’s Name and  celebrating His Glory.
3. Abu Dhar Al-Ghifari. He used to live in the suburbs of Yathrib. News of the Islamization of Swaid  bin Samit and Eyas bin Mu‘adh reached him and constituted a turning point in his life per se. He  sent his brother to Makkah for more details about the Prophet’s intentions. The man came back

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