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The Meaning of The Quran Halaman 3 | Maktabah Reza Ervani

Maktabah Reza Ervani

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Judul Kitab : The Meaning of The Quran- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 3
Jumlah yang dimuat : 8

PREFACE (Adapted)

“The Meaning of the Qur'an” follows the interpretation of Maulana Abul A‘la Maudidi as contained in the “fafhimul Qur'an.” This work has been before the reading public for a decade or so and has elicited unqualified and universal praise because of the freshness of its approach and its clairity and force, It can be safely asserted that this work has coniributed more towards understanding the Qur’an than any other such work in our time. For it has applied the Qur’dnic principles to the solution of the problems of the modern age, and demonstrated in a wonderful way how up-to-date the Qur'an is and how surely it marches with the times.

It has, however, been felt that the people, who do not know Urdu or are not well-versed in it, cannot derive any benefit from the “Tathimul-Qur’an.” have, therefore, with a deep sense of responsibility, undertaken the delicate and difficult task of rendering this work into English under the guidance of the Maulana himself. I am fully conscious of my limitations and pray to Allah to help me in this work.

“The Meaning of the Quran” aims to fulfil the growing desire of the educated people to grasp the true spirit of the Qur'an and understand the real object of its revelation. It is hoped that this work will meet the demand that has been increasing day by day in spite of the praiseworthy efforts of the translators and commentators.

The main object of this work is to enable the English reader to understand clearly the meaning and the aim of the Qur’an and to impress on his mind, as far as possible, the same effect that it intends to produce. In order’’ to achieve this, (a) an interpretation has been

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