
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Principia Mathematica- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 37
Jumlah yang dimuat : 585

LIFE OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON. 29 nor read ; but to recover the use of my eyes, shut myself up in my chamber made dark, for three days together, and used all means to divert my imagination from the sun. For if I thought upon him, I presently saw his picture, though I was in the dark. But by keeping in the dark, and employing my mind about other things, I began in three or four days to have some use of my eyes again ; and by forbearing to look upon bright objects, recovered them pretty well, though not so well but that, for some months after, the spectrum of the sun began to return as often as I began to meditate upon the phenomena, even though I lay in bed at mid night with my curtains drawn. But now I have been very well for many years, though I am apt to think, if I durst venture my eyes, I could still make the phantasm return by the power of my fancy. This story I tell you, to let you understand, thaj; in the observation related by Mr. Boyle, the man's fancy probably con curred with the impression made by the sun's light to produce that phantasm of the sun which he constantly saw in bright ob jects. And so your question about the cause of phantasm in volves another about the power of fancy, which I must confess is too hard a knot for me to untie. To place this effect in a constant motion is hard, because the sun ought then to appear perpetually. It seems rather to consist in a disposition of the sensorium to move the imagination strongly, and to be easily moved, both by the imagination and by the light, as often as bright objects are looked upon."J Though Newton had continued silent, yet his thoughts were by no means inactive upon the vast subject of the planetary mo tions. The idea of Universal Gravitation, first caught sight of, so to speak, in the garden at Woolsthorpe, years ago, had gradually expanded upon him. We find him, in a letter to Dr. Hooke, Secretary of the Royal Society, dated in November, 1679, pro posing to verify the motion of the earth by direct experiment, namely, by the observation of the path pursued by a body falling from a considerable height. He had concluded that the path would be spiral ; but Dr. Hooke maintained that it would be an eccentric ellipse iu vacuo, and an ellipti-spiral in a resisting me dium. Our author, aided by this correction of his error, and by

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