
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Principia Mathematica- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 44
Jumlah yang dimuat : 585

36 LIFE OF SIR ISAAC NEWTON. be Lord God ; for we say, my God, your God, the God of Israel the God of Gods, and Lord of Lords ; but we do not say, my Eternal, your Eternal, the Eternal of Israel, the Eternal of Gods : we do not say my Infinite, or my Perfect : these are titles which have no respect to servants. The word God usually signifies Lord ; but every Lord is not God. It is the dominion of a spir itual Being which constitutes a God ; a true, supreme, or imagi nary dominion makes a true, supreme, or imaginary God. And from his true dominion it follows that the true God is a living, intelligent and powerful Being ; and from his other perfections, that he is supreme or most perfect. He is eternal and in finite, omnipotent and omniscient ; that is, his duration reaches from eternity to eternity ; his presence from infinity to infinity ; he governs all things and knows all things, that are or can be done. He is not eternity or infinity, but eternal and infinite ; he is not duration and space, but he endures and is present. He endures forever and is everywhere present ; and by existing always and everywhere, he constitutes duration and space. Since every particle of space is always, and every indivisible moment of duration is everywhere, certainly the Maker and Lord of things cannot be never and nowhere. Every soul that has perception is, though in different times and different organs of sense and mo tion, still the same indivisible person. There are given succes sive parts in duration, co-existent parts in space, but neither the one nor the other in the person of a man, or his thinking principle ; and much less can they be found in the thinking sub stance of God. Every man. so far as he is a thing that has j:erceptiori, is one and the same man during his whole life, in all and each of his organs of sense. God is one and the same God, al ways and everywhere. He is omnipresent, not virtually only, but also substantially ; for virtue cannot subsist without sub stance. In him are all things contained and moved ; yet neither affects the other ; God suffers nothing from the motion of bodies ; bodies find no resistance from the omnipresence of God. It is allowed by all that the Supreme God exists necessarily ; and by the same necessity he exists always and everywhere. Whence also he is all similar, all eye, all ear, all brain, all arm, all powei

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