88 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES common centre of the two bodies, and the centre of this last, is divided in a given ratio. In like manner the common centre of these three, and of a fourth body, is either at rest, or moves uniformly in a right line ; because the distance between the common centre of the three bodies, and the centre of the fourth is there also divided in a given ratio, and so on m itifinitum. Therefore, in a system of bodies where there is neither any mutual action among themselves, nor any foreign force impressed upon them from without, and which consequently move uniformly in right lines, the common centre of gravity of them all is either at rest or moves uniformly forward in a right line. Moreover, in a system of two bodies mutually acting upon each other, since the distances between their centres and the common centre of gravity of both are reciprocally as the bodies, the relative motions of those bodies, whether of approaching to or of receding from that centre, will be equal among themselves. Therefore since the changes which happen to motions are equal and directed to contrary parts, the common centre of those bodies, by their mutual action between themselves, is neither promoted nor re tarded, nor suffers any change as to its state of motion or rest. But in a system of several bodies, because the common centre of gravity of any two acting mutually upon each other suffers no change in its state by that ac tion : and much less the common centre of gravity of the others with which that action does not intervene ; but the distance between those two centres is divided by the common centre of gravity of all the bodies into parts re ciprocally proportional to the total sums of those bodies whose centres they are : and therefore while those two centres retain their state of motion or rest, xhe common centre of all does also retain its state : it is manifest that the common centre of all never suffers any change in the state of its mo tion or rest from the actions of any two bodies between themselves. But in such & system all the actions of the bodies among themselves either hap pen between two bodies, or are composed of actions interchanged between some two bodies ; and therefore they do never produce any alteration in the comrrv n centre of alias to its state of motion or rest. Wherefore tiince that centre, when the bodies do not act mutually one upon another, Oilier is nt rest or moves uniformly forward in some right line, it will, :v\>U7ithst?nding the mutual actions of the bodies among themselves, always jAY-jevere in its state, either of rest, or of proceeding uniformly in a right liiv,, unless it is forced out of this state by the action of some power imprev^-d from without upon the whole system. And therefore the same law take*1 place in a system consisting of many bodies as in one single body, with wsgard to their persevering in their state of motion or of rest. For the pi \\jressive motion, whether of one single body, or of a whole system of bodies us always to be estimated from the motion of the centre of gravity. COROLLARY V. The motions cf bcdies included in a given space a ~e Ike same among