
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Principia Mathematica- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 92
Jumlah yang dimuat : 585

90 THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES motion arising from its gravity. As if the body A by its motion of piojection alone could describe in a given time the right line AB, and with its motion of falling alone could describe in the same time the altitude AC ; complete the paralellogram ABDC, and the body by that compounded motion will at the end of the time be found in the place D ; and the curve line AED, which that body describes, will be a parabola, to which the right line AB will be a tangent in A ; and whose ordinate BD will be as the square of the line AB. On the same Laws and Corollaries depend those things which have been demon strated concerning the times of the vibration of pendulums, and are con firmed by the daily experiments of pendulum clocks. By the same, to gether with the third Law, Sir Christ. Wren, Dr. Wallis, and Mr. Huvgens, the greatest geometers of our times, did severally determine the rules of the congress and reflexion of hard bodies, and much about the same time communicated their discoveries to the Royal Society, exactly agreeing among themselves as to those rules. Dr. Wallis, indeed, was something more early in the publication ; then followed Sir Christopher Wren, and, lastly, Mr. Huygens. But Sir Christopher Wren confirmed the truth of the thing before the Royal Society by the experiment of pendulums, which Mr. Mariottc soon after thought fit to explain in a treatise entirely upon that subject. But to bring this experiment to an accurate agreement with the theory, we are to have a due regard as well to the resistance of the air bodies. Let the spherical bodies CD F II as to the clastic force of the concurrin A, B be suspended by the parallel and equal strings AC, Bl), from the centres C, D. About these centres, with those intervals, describe the semicircles EAF, GBH, bisected by the radii CA, DB. Bring the body A to any point R of the arc EAF, and (withdrawing the body B) let it go from thence, and after one oscillation suppose it to return to the point V : then RV will be the retardation arising from the resistance of the air. Of this RV let ST be a fourth part, situated in the middle. to wit, so as RS and TV may be equal, and RS may be to ST as 3 to 2 then will ST represent very nearly the retardation during the descent from S to A. Restore the body B to its place: and, supjx sing the body A to be let fall from the point S, the velocity thereof in the place of re flexion A, without sensible error, will be the same as if it had descended m vacit.o from the point T. Upon which account this velocity may be represented by the chord of the arc TA. For it is a proposition well known to geometers, that the velocity of a pendulous body in the loAvest point is as the chord of the arc which it has described in its descent. Aftci

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