Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Religion and Natural Science- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 9
Jumlah yang dimuat : 39

For this purpose, first of all let us discuss two special questions, quite separately from each other, The first one is; What demands does re- ligion make on the beliefs of its followers, and what are the characteristics of a genuine rel attitude? The second question is: What is the nature of the laws natural science teaches us, and ‘what truths does it regard as indubitable? Once we shall have answered these two ques: tions, we shall be in the position to decide whether and to what extent the demands of re- tigion are compatible with those of natural sci- ‘ence, and therefore, whether religion and natural science can exist side by side without clashing with each other, 1 Religion is the link that binds man to his God. It is founded on a respectful humility before a super-natural power, to which all human life is subject, and which controls our weal and woe. be in harmony with this power-and to enjoy ‘good graces, is the incessant endeavor and su- preme goa) of the religious person. Only in this

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