The Results of the Knowledge of Fiqh | Fiqh Muyassar in English (5)

ثمرة علم الفقه

The Results of the Knowledge of Fiqh

Translation By : Reza Ervani bin Asmanu

Article The Results of the Knowledge of Fiqh is Part of Category Fiqh Muyassar in English

معرفة الفقه، والعمل به، تثمر صلاح المكلف، وصحة عبادته، واستقامة سلوكه.

Knowing Fiqh and acting upon it leads to the righteousness of the Mukallaf (the accountable person), the correctness of their acts of worship, and the uprightness of their behavior.

وإذا صلح العبد صلح المجتمع، وصارت النتيجة في الدنيا السعادة والعيش الرغد، وفي الأخرى رضوان الله وجنته.

When the individual is righteous, society becomes righteous as well, resulting in happiness and a comfortable life in this world, and in the Hereafter, earning the pleasure and love of Allah, the Exalted, and His Paradise.

Allahu Ta’ala ‘A’lam

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