
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Sealed Nectar- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 181
Jumlah yang dimuat : 228

to  stop that altercation adding that his Companions (meaning A ' bdur Rahman bin A ' wf) were too high in  rank to be involved in such arguments.
That is the story of the conquest of Makkah and the decisive battle that exterminated paganism once  and for all. The other tribes in the Arabian Peninsula were waiting and closely watching the final  outcome of the bitter struggle between the Muslims and idolaters, already convinced that the Holy
Sanctuary would not fall but in the hands of the righteous party. It had been a conviction deeply  established in their minds ever since the elephant army of Abraha Al-Ashram advanced from Yemen  intending to destroy the Sacred House 50 years before.
Al-Hudaibiyah Peace Treaty was the natural prelude to this great victory in which people believed  deeply and over which people talked a lot. The Muslims in Makkah, who had feared to declare their
Faith in public, began to appear and work ardently for this new approach of life. People began to  convert into Islam in hosts, and the Muslim army that numbered 3000 only in the previous Ghazwah,  now came to reach 10,000 in number. In fact, this decisive change provided people with the keen  insight to perceive things and the world around them as a whole in a different perceptive. The Muslims  were then to steer the whole political and religious affairs of all Arabia. They had monopolised both the  religious supremacy and temporal power.
The whole post-Hudaibiyah phase had been well-fledged in favour of the new Islamic movement.
Streams of the desert Arabians began to pour in paying full homage to the Messenger of Allâh peace  be  upon him, embracing the new faith and then carrying it to different quarters for propagation.

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