
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Sealed Nectar- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 57
Jumlah yang dimuat : 228

perdition, yet and at the same time, bearing glad tidings to the believers and promising the true  servants of vicegerency on earth to go with absolute success, and victory to attend the Islamic
Call and its proponents.
Here we could adduce some of the verses of this category pregnant with glad tidings referring to  the final victory that would crown the perseverance and patience of the Muslims:
“And, verily, Our Word has gone forth of old for Our slaves, — the Messengers, that they  verily would be made triumphant. And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors. So  turn away O Muhammad (Peace be upon him) from them for a while, and watch them  and they shall see (the punishment)! Do they seek to hasten on Our torment? Then, when  it descends into their courtyard (i.e. near to them), evil will be the morning for those who  had been warned.” 37:171-177
In the same context, Allâh told His Prophet (Peace be upon him):
“Their multitude will be put to flight, and they will show their backs.” 54:45
He also said:
“They will be a defeated host like the confederates of the old times.” 38:11
The Muslims who migrated to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) had the following:
“And as for those who emigrated for the cause of Allâh, after suffering oppression, We will  certainly give them goodly residence in this world, but indeed the reward of the Hereafter  will be greater, if they but knew.” 16:41
In the context of the story of Joseph, there was:
“Verily, in Joseph and his brethren there were Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons,  signs, revelations, etc.) for those who ask.” 12:7  i.e., the Makkans will receive the same fate that befell Joseph’s brothers, viz, failure and  surrender. In another instance, Allâh speaks about the Messengers:
“And those who disbelieved, said to their Messengers: ‘Surely, we shall drive you out of  our land, or you shall return to our religion!’ So their Lord inspired them: ‘Truly, We shall  destroy the Zâlimûn (polytheists, disbelievers and wrong-doers). And indeed, We shall  make you dwell in the land after them. This is for him who fears standing before Me (on  the Day of Resurrection or fears My punishment) and also fears My threat.” 14:13,14
During the war between the Persians and the Romans, the disbelievers had a sincere wish that  victory be the former’s lot, because both parties professed polytheism, whereas the Muslims  prayed for a Roman victory because both groups believed in Allâh, His Messengers, Books, the
Revelation and the Hereafter.
The war resulted in the overthrow of Rome by Persia. They were pro-Persian, as we have said,  and in their hearts they hoped that the nascent movement of Islam, which at that time was,  from a worldly point of view, very weak and helpless, would collapse under their persecution. But  they misread the true signs of the times. They were told that they would soon be disillusioned in  both their calculations, and it actually so happened when Heraclius carried his campaign into the  heart of Persia and the Makkan Quraish were beaten off at Badr:
“And on that Day, the believers (i.e. Muslims) will rejoice (at the victory given by Allâh to  the Romans against the Persians) with the help of Allâh.” 30:4,5
During the season of ‘Ukaz forum, and other such occasions, the Messenger of Allâh (Peace be  upon him) himself would communicate not only glad tidings pertinent to the Garden (Paradise)  but also news of promising prospects for the true believers in the Call of Islam. He would openly  tell them that they would surely prosper, rule the whole of Arabia and subdue Persia if they  professed the most serious pillar of Islam, i.e. the Oneness of Allâh.
Khabbab bin Al-Aratt once urged the Messenger to call upon Allâh to shield him against the  adversities he was suffering at the hand of the polytheists. The Prophet’s face reddened and he  remarked that the true believer must not precipitate things, it was incumbent upon a believer to  undergo all the odds of life as much as he could, fearing nobody except Allâh until the religion  was established, which would surely happen. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) in this regard,  referred to the perseverance that the Muslims had to show and the hardships they had to  undergo in order to establish the land of Islam where peace and security would prevail all over it.
Glad tidings of better prospects for Islam and the Muslims were not confined to Muhammad’s  followers, in fact they were being disclosed time and again to both believers and disbelievers.
Whenever the two parties met, the latter would jeer at the former and mockingly say “Here are  the sovereigns of earth who will defeat Chosroes and Caesar.” But the believers, in anticipation  of that shining and Godly-orientated future, would always persevere and tolerate all sorts of  persecution and humiliation regarding them as summer clouds that would soon clear away.

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