
Maktabah Reza Ervani

Judul Kitab : Sealed Nectar- Detail Buku
Halaman Ke : 58
Jumlah yang dimuat : 228

The Prophet (Peace be upon him), on his part, would always maintain and sustain his followers’  souls with the light of belief, sanctify them through inculcating the Qur’ânic wisdom in their  hearts and cultivate their minds deeply with the spirit of Islam that would elevate them to a state  of noble spirituality, pure heartedness and an absolute degree of freedom from the yoke of  materialism, a high morale powerful enough to resist worldly lusts and consequently lead them  from darkness to light. He would constantly teach them to be tolerant, forgiving and  overpowering over their selves in order to get well established in their religion, disdain lust, and  devote themselves to attaining the Pleasure of Allâh, yearning for the Garden (Paradise),  enthusiasm in sciences relating to their faith, calling themselves to account, subordinating fleeing  whims, holding under firm control all rage-provoking incidents and finally observing sobriety,  patience and gravity.

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