[TADABBUR HARIAN #23] Alif Laam Miim : Tadabbur Huruf Muqotha-ah Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyah

Alif Laam Miim : Tadabbur Huruf Muqotha-ah Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyah (1)

Alih Bahasa : Reza Ervani bin Asmanu


Dalam *Kitab Badaa-i’ut Tafsir – Al Jami’u lima fassarahu Al Imaam Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyah rahimahullahu Ta’ala* dimuat tulisan Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyah :

تأمل سر الم كيف اشتملت على هذه الحروف الثلاثة, فالألف إذا بدئ بها أولاً كانت همزة, و هي أول المجارج من أقصى الصدر, و اللام من وسط مخارج الحروف, و هي أشد الحروف اعتماداً على اللسان, و الميم آخر الحروف و مخرجها من الفم, و هذه الثلاثة هي أصول مخارج الحروف, أغني الحلق و اللسان و الشفتين

Perhatikan rahasia Alif Laam Mim

Adapun alif, jika dimulai dengannya di awal, maka dia adalah hamzah, makhrajnya menempati posisi awal, yang berada diujung (atas) dada (yakni ujung bagian bawah tenggorokan). Lalu huruf Laam makhrojnya ada di tengah, dan dia adalah huruf yang diakui paling kuat pada lisan (lidah). Adapun mim sebagai huruf terakhir dan makhrojnya ada pada bibir. Ketiga makhroj ini adalah makhroj utama huruf-huruf, yakni tenggorokan, lidah dan dua bibir.

و ترتيب في التنزيل منذ البدية إلى الوسط ألى النهاية, فهذه الحروف معتمد المخارج الثلاثة التي يتفرع منها ستة عشر مخرجاً, فيصير منها تسعة و عشرون حرفاً عليها مدار كلام الأمم الأولين و الآخرين مع تضمنها سراً عجيباً. وهو أن للألف البداية, و اللام التوسط, و الميم النهاية. فاشتملت الأحرف الثلاثة على البداية و النهاية و الواسطة بينهما

Ditempatkan huruf-huruf itu secara berurutan : Awal, Tengah hingga akhir. Makhorijul ketiga huruf-huruf tersebut terbagi kemudian darinya 16 makhroj, yang menjadi tempat untuk 29 huruf, yang dengannya terbentuk berbagai kata dari beragam bangsa, dari mulai pertama hingga akhir, yang terkumpul padanya rahasia yang luar biasa.

Dengan menempatkan alif di awal, Laam di tengah, dan mim di akhir., maka ketiga huruf tersebut mencakup permulaan dan akhir, serta pertengahan diantaranya.

و كل سورة استفتحت بهذه الأحرف الثلاثة فهي مشتملة على بدء الخلق و نهايته و توسطه, فمشتملة على تخليق العالم و غايته, و على التوسط بين البداية و النهاية من التشريع و الأوامر, فتأمل ذلك في البقرة و آل عمران و تنزيل السجدة و سورة الروم.

Seluruh surah yang dibuka dengan ketiga huruf ini didapatilah pembahasan surah tersebut mencakup awal penciptaan alam semesta dan tujuan terakhinya. Disampaikan pula pada surah tersebut hal-hal yang terdapat antara awal dan akhir berupa Tasyri’ (Aturan Hukum) dan perintah-perintah.

Demikianlah yang dapat ditelisik dari surah Al Baqarah, Ali Imran, turunnya surah As Sajdah dan Surah Ar Ruum (keempat surah ini dimulai dengan Alif Laam Miim)

و تأمل اقتران الطاء بالسين و الهاء في القرآن, فإن الطاء جمعت من صفات الحروف خمس صفات لم يجمعها غيرها. و هي الجهر و الشدة و الاستعلاء و الإطباق, و السين مهموس مرخو مستفل صفيري منفتح, فلا يمكن أن يجمع إلى الطاء حرف يقابلها كالسين و الهاء. فذكر الحرفين اللذين جمعا صفات الحروف.

Lalu perhatikan hubungan antara huruf Tha dengan Sin dan Haa pada Al Quran.

Huruf Tho’ mengumpulkan lima sifat huruf, yang tidak terkumpul pada huruf selainnya, yakni : Jahr, Syiddah, Isti’la, Ithbaq (dan Qolqolah), dan Sin mengumpulkan sifat : Hams, Rokhowah, Istifal, Shofir dan Infitah. Tidak mungkin terkumpul pada huruf tho sifat-sifat huruf yang berlawanan seperti yang terkumpul pada Sin dan Haa. Maka penyebutan dua huruf tersebut mengumpulkan sifat-sifat huruf (Thaa Siin, Thaa Haa).

Bersambung in sya Allah


تأمَّلَ: (فعل)

تأمَّلَ تأمَّلَ في يتأمَّل ، تأمُّلاً ، فهو متأمِّل ، والمفعول متأمَّل

 ( فعل ): تَدَبَّرَ

contemplate – to meditate or look at (with the eyes or in the mind)

صَيَّرَ: (فعل)

صيَّرَ يصيِّر ، تصييرًا ، فهو مُصيِّر ، والمفعول مُصيَّر

 ( فعل ): جَعَلَ

to chage something into something

صار: (فعل)

صارَ صارَ إلى يَصير ، صِرْ ، صَيْرًا وصَيْرورةً ومَصِيرًا ، فهو صائر ، والمفعول مَصِير إليه / صارَ إلى يَصُور ، صُرْ ، صَوْرًا ، فهو صائِر ، والمفعول مَصُور

be ; become ; come to be ; get or come to a point where ; grow ; reach a stage where ; turn (into)

 ( اسم ):

– away from ,out of
– from a specified time till a later past time

 ( اسم ): اِتّكال

confidence ; dependence ; reliance ; trust

– assurance
– confident belief in one’s own abilities and powers; statement expressing certainty about something; promise
– state of being cpmpletely certain or something that is certain
– certainty;state of being perfectly certain of something
– (act of) having trust in, or feeling of relience or certainty
– depending on
– reliance on
– depending on
– complete trust or confidence
– being based or constructed on; leaning or resting on
– confidence or trust in someone or something; dependence on someone or something
– a firm belief in the reliability of a person or thing .

تَفَرَّعَ: (فعل)

  • تفرَّعَ تفرَّعَ عن / تفرَّعَ من يتفرَّع ، تفرُّعًا ، فهو مُتفرِّع ، والمفعول مُتفرَّعٌ عنه

 ( فعل ): تَشَعّبَ

be branched ; bifurcate ; bifurcate(d) ; branch (out) ; branching ; divaricate ; divaricated ; divide ; divided ; fork ; forked ; furcate ; radiate ; ramified ; ramify ; subdivide ; subdivided

 ( اسم ): مَسِير الْكَوَاكِب حَوْل الشَّمْس

– recurrent round or period (of events); time needed for such round or period
– a sphere; a globe
– path followed by a planet, star, moon, etc round another body
– one of the two imaginary lines around the world .

 ( اسم ):

body politic ; nation ; people

 ( اسم ): أوّل

alpha ; beginning ; commencement ; dawn ; early stage ; first ; first appearance ; inception ; incipience ; onset ; outset ; prime ; rise ; start ; starting point

 ( اسم ): اِرْتِباط

(close) association ; (close) connection ; (close) union ; (con)junction ; coupling ; link(age) ; linkup

– association
– action of associating or being associated; being in somebody’s company; friendship; alliance; partnership; union; combination; bond; correlation
– state of sticking together;reasonable connection
– cohering;endency to stick together;force with which molecules cohere
– state of sticking together;tendency to cohere
– connecting or being connected;point here two things are connected;thing which connects or relationship,relation
– close relationship
– act of joining togther or uniting sexually
– a point at which two or more things are joined; a place where two or more railway lines or roads meet, unite or cross; the act or instance of joining
– relashionship between two things or ideas, in which one is caused or affected by the other; relashioship between two or more people, countries, etc
– connection; linkng or link connection; link; tie
– consistency; adherence; cohesiveness.
– act or instance of uniting or being united
– close connection
– tenacity; cohesiveness
– the degree of density,thickness,firmness(especially of thick liquids or of something made by mixing with a liquid)

 ( اسم ): آخِر جُزْء مِن بَيْت الشَّعْر

rhyme – sameness of sound between words or syllables, especially the endings of lines of verse

إِلقاء: (اسم)

  • مصدر أَلْقَى

 ( فعل ): اِطّرَحَ

cast away ; discard ; fling away ; throw away

 ( اسم ):

drilling ; examination ; excavating ; excavation ; exploration ; hunt ; hunt(ing) ; inspection ; investigation ; looking for ; prospecting ; prospection ; quest ; quest of ; research ; search ; search for ; search(ing) ; search(ing) for ; searching for ; seeking

 ( اسم ): رَئِيس

– leader;ruler or highest official; head of a department
– a leader
– person or thing that leads; person followed by others
– leader ; chief or headman .
– leading character
– the leader or person in charge of a group or organiztion

 ( اسم ): اِنْشِطار

coming apart into pieces
– becoming open
– deep opening or crack in the ground;abyss;or wide difference(of interests,feelings,etc)
– narrow opening or crack
– division or splitting
– act of dividing or splitting
– crack or split;opening made by cleavage
– cracking or line of division where something is broken, but not into separate parts; narrow opening
– act of getting or making a crack or cracks
– small crack or opening
– deep open crack
– narrow opening or crack
– spliting,cleavage
– the action of dividing or splitting into two or more parts
– an opening usu.long and narrow, made esp. by cracking , splitting, or separation of parts
– the noun gerund of verb to fissure
– a crack, split, or breakage
– the noun gerund of verb to rend
– spilt; crack; break, etc
– the act of cracking, breaking, etc
– uneven or ragged tear or cut
– noun gerund of verb (to rip
– splitting; cracking; tearing
– division; partition; separation
– tearing; rending; ripping apart

رَوَاسٍ: (اسم)

  • رَوَاسٍ : جمع رَّاسِيَةُ

 ( اسم ): عُنْوان

head ; heading ; headline ; streamer ; title

إِيضاح: (اسم)

  • الجمع : إيضاحات
  • مصدر أوضحَ أوضحَ عن

 ( فعل ): وَضَّحَ

account for
– give reason or explanation why something happens
– make clear, evident and distinct
– emphasize; make evident; publish
– to make or become clearer;explain
– to make or become clear
– to become clear or make tidy or explain something
– to interpret;explain the meaning of words, actions,etc or analyse gramatically
– expose to view;exhibit;show;allow to appear
– to explain something or to make it clear
– show clearly that one has a feeling,quality,etc
– show or display to the public
– make something plain or clear
– explain or make something clear by giving details
– explain or make something clear
– explain or make clear, esp. by examples
– to make clear
– make facts, etc known or cause or allow something to be seen
– clarify; make clear
– to make clear
– appear; cause to be manifes; come into sightt
– remove a veil from or disclose, reveal, make publicly known
– give utterance to; express
– translate ; interpret .

خُصومة: (اسم)

  • خُصومة : فاعل من خَصِمَ

– strong dislike or hostility
– active opposition or hostility especially between two people
– disagreemnt;conflict or the conflicting noise
– dispute or argument; point contended for in an argument
– prolonged argument, especially over social, moral or political matters or dispute
– the feeling of hatred or anger towards somebody
– prolonged mutual hostility,esp. between two families, tribes
– a conflict or struggle ; a vigorous effort in the face of difficulty
– dispute; controversy
– a struggle or fight using a lot of energy, esp. one in which you pull or push someone rather than hit him .

 ( اسم ): دَفْع

– formal disagreement or disapproval
– opposition or disagreement
– an urgent serious or emotional request
– statement of cause of action or defence
– objection made to a member of the jury

 ( فعل ):

administer an oath on (or to) ; make (someone) swear ; put to (or upon) oath ; swear in

 ( اسم ): عاقِلْ

intelligent ; judicious ; prudent ; rational ; reasonable ; sagacious ; sapient ; sensible ; wise

 ( اسم ): فاطِن

acute ; astute ; bright ; clever ; discerning ; intelligent ; keen ; perspicacious ; sagacious ; sharp ; shrewd ; smart

قَطَرَة: (اسم)

  • قَطَرَة : جمع قاطِر

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