أولاً: كتاب الطهارة
ويشتمل على عشرة أبواب
First: The Book of Purification
Article The Book of Purification is Part of Category Fiqh Muyassar in English
This includes ten chapters.
Fifth Issue: The Ruling on Used Water (Musta’mal) in Purification
Translated by : Reza Ervani bin Asmanu
الماء المستعمل في الطهارة -كالماء المنفصل عن أعضاء المتوضئ والمغتسل- طاهر مطهر لغيره على الصحيح، يرفع الحدث ويزيل النجس، ما دام أنه لم يتغير منه أحد الأوصاف الثلاثة: الرائحة والطعم واللون.
Used water (musta’mal) in purification—such as water that separates from the limbs of one performing ablution or bathing—is, according to the most correct opinion, pure and can also purify other things. It can lift a state of ritual impurity (hadath) and remove filth (najasah), provided that none of its three qualities—smell, taste, and color—have changed.
ودليل طهارته:
Evidence for Its Purity :
(أن النبي – صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ – كان إذا توضأ كادوا يقتتلون على وضوئه)
The Prophet e used to perform ablution, and his companions would compete to collect the water from his ablution. 1
ولأنه – صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ – صبَّ على جابر من وضوئه إذ كان مريضاً
The Prophet e once sprinkled water from his ablution over Jabir – f – when he was ill. [efn_note]Muttafaq ‘alaih: Narrated by Imam Bukhari, Hadith No. 5651, and Imam Muslim, Hadith No. 1616[/efn_note]
ولو كان نجساً لم يجز فعل ذلك،
If such water were impure, it would not have been permissible to do so.
ولأن النبي – صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ – وأصحابه ونساءه كانوا يتوضؤون في الأقداح والأَتْوار (3)، ويغتسلون في الجِفَان (4)، ومثل هذا لا يَسْلَم من رشاش يقع في الماء من المُستَعْمِل،
The Prophet e his companions, and his wives used to perform ablution in small basins (al-aqdah) and vessels, and they would bathe in large bowls (al-jifaan). Such practices inevitably involved water splashing back into the container, yet the water remained pure.
ولقوله – صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ – لأبي هريرة وقد كان جنباً:
The Prophet e said to Abu Hurairah f when he was in a state of major impurity (junub):
(إن المؤمن لا ينجس)
“A believer does not become impure.” 2
وإذا كان كذلك فإن الماء لا يفقد طهوريته بمجرد مماسته له.
Based on this, water does not lose its purifying nature merely because it comes into contact with a believer.
Allahu Ta’ala ‘A’lam
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