أولاً: كتاب الطهارة
ويشتمل على عشرة أبواب
First: The Book of Purification
Article The Book of Purification is Part of Category Fiqh Muyassar in English
المسألة الثالثة: آنية الكفار
Discussion Three: The Ruling on Vessels of Non-Muslims
Kompilasi dan Alih Bahasa : Reza Ervani bin Asmanu
الأصل في آنية الكفار الحل، إلا إذا عُلمت نجاستها، فإنه لا يجوز استعمالها إلا بعد غسلها؛ لحديث أبي ثعلبة الخشني قال:
The basic ruling regarding the vessels used by non-Muslims is that they are permissible (halal) to use unless their impurity (najasah) is known. If their impurity is confirmed, it is not permissible to use them unless they are washed first. This ruling is based on the hadith of Abu Tha’labah Al-Khushani, who said:
قلت يا رسول الله إنا بأرض قوم أهل كتاب، أفنأكل في آنيتهم؟ قال: (لا تأكلوا فيها إلا أن لا تجدوا غيرها فاغسلوها، ثم كلوا فيها)
“I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, we live in a land inhabited by the People of the Book. Can we eat using their vessels?’ He said, ‘Do not eat from their vessels unless you find no alternative; in that case, wash them and then eat from them.’” 1
وأما إذا لم تُعلم نجاستها بأن يكون أهلها غير معروفين بمباشرة النجاسة، فإنه يجوز استعمالها؛ لأنه ثبت أن النبي – صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ – وأصحابه أخذوا الماء للوضوء من مَزَادة امرأة مشركة
If Their Impurity Is Unknown : If there is no evidence of their impurity, and the owners are not known to engage with impurities, then it is permissible to use their vessels. This is based on the narration that the Prophet – صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ – and his companions took water for ablution from a leather container belonging to a polytheistic woman. 2
ولأن الله سبحانه قد أباح لنا طعام أهل الكتاب، وقد يقدِّمونه إلينا في أوانيهم، كما دعا غلام يهودي النبي – صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ – على خبز شعير وإهالَة سَنِخَة فأكل منها
Additionally, Allah the Exalted has permitted us to eat the food of the People of the Book. It is possible that they may serve this food in their vessels, as seen in the instance where a Jewish servant invited the Prophet – صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ – and offered him barley bread and seasoned fat. The Prophet ate from it. 3
Allahu Ta’ala ‘A’lam
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