Types of Husbands (Part Two)
Translated by: Reza Ervani bin Asmanu
This article Types of Husbands is part of the Family Education category.
4. The Dayyuth Husband
ذلك اليذي لا يغار مطلقًا فهو ترك الغيرة المذمومة والمحمودة أيضًا ، لا يبالي بمن دخل على أهله ، ولا من خالطهم ، يسمح في بيته بدخول الرجال الأجانب في غيبته ، ويترك زوجه تكشف ما حرم الله عليها أمام الرجال فتخرج من بيتها متبرجة أو متعطرة من غير أن يمنعها .
The Dayyuth husband is one who has no jealousy at all. He abandons both praiseworthy and blameworthy jealousy. He does not care who enters his home or who interacts with his family. He allows non-mahram men to enter his home in his absence and lets his wife expose what Allah has forbidden in front of other men. He does not prevent her from leaving the house adorned (tabarruj) or perfumed in a way that entices others.
والديوث الذي يرضى السوء على أهله لا يرى الجنة ولا يشم ريحها ، كما أنه يخون الأمانة التي خولها الله إياه فإن الرجل في بيته راعٍ ومسؤول عن رعيته ،
A Dayyuth, who allows evil to happen to his family, will not see Paradise, nor will he smell its fragrance. He betrays the trust Allah has given him, as a man is a shepherd in his home and is responsible for his flock.
على ذلك فإن ما نراه من الحفلات المختلطة والاستقبالات المنفردة للرجال ومن غير المحارم وغير ذلك وأشباهه من الدياثة المحرمة .
Thus, what we see today, such as mixed-gender parties, private receptions for non-mahram men, and similar behaviors, are forms of prohibited Dayyuth behavior.
5. The Negligent Husband (The Lazy Husband)
تلك نوعية من الأزواج انتشرت في تلك الأيام يهمل رعيته يترك صغاره وزوجه لا يعبأ بهم ، إما لإنشغاله بشهواته ولذاته وإما بظنه أنه ينشغل بأعمال يعود نفعها عليهم ،
This type of husband has become increasingly common in modern times. He neglects his responsibilities as the leader of his family, leaving his children and wife without care or attention. This neglect may be due to his preoccupation with his desires and personal pleasures, or because he assumes that his work, which he believes benefits the family, excuses his neglect.
ويظن أنه لكونه قد هيأ لهم سكنًا واسعًا ومركبًا طيبًا وطعامًا هانئًا أنه قد أدى ما عليه وللإنصاف فإن تلك النعم التي أشرنا إليها هي بلا شك من أسباب السعادة بيد أن أهم أسباب السعادة الأسرية هي رعاية الزوج النفسية لزوجه وأبنائه
He believes that by providing a spacious home, a comfortable vehicle, and delicious food, he has fulfilled his duties. To be fair, these blessings are indeed among the means of happiness, but the most important factor in family happiness is the husband’s emotional care for his wife and children.
فماذا تفيد تلك المظاهر الفارغة إذا أحس الأبناء بالفراغ العاطفي وعدم توجيه آبائهم وماذا تجدي تلك المساكن الجميلة عن زوجة وحيدة لا ترى زوجها إلى لُماما وقد قال تعالى :
What benefit is there in these material provisions if the children feel emotional emptiness and lack guidance from their father? What good is a beautiful house to a lonely wife who rarely sees her husband? Allah Almighty has said:
قوا أنفسكم وأهليكم نارًا وقودها الناس والحجارة
“Protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones.” (Surah At-Tahrim, Ayah 6)
وقد قال صلى الله عليه وسلم :
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said:
كلكم راعٍ وكلكم مسؤول عن رعيته
“Each of you is a shepherd, and each of you is responsible for his flock.”
فأي رعاية يوفرها ذلك المهمل لزوجه وأبنائه وأي توجيه ووقاية من النار سيمنحهم إياها وهو لا يراهم ولا يجالسهم .
What kind of care does such a negligent husband provide to his wife and children? What guidance and protection from Hellfire can he offer them when he neither sees them nor spends time with them?
— Alhamdulillah, the Two-Part Series is Complete —
Source: IslamWeb
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